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  • Montessori Material | Early Childhood Education

    DISCOVER : JOURNEY OF WRITING from a child's first scribbling to practiced scribing EARLY LEARNING MONTESSORI MATERIAL FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND BEYOND Our Roots One Step Ahead Young children who go to JOURNEY OF WRITING get the tools and support they need for their healthy development. All activities are carefully designed to adequately nurture the emotional, intellectual and physical growth of our kids. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, children are free to develop into bright young minds. Our Program: Writing LETTERS NUMBERS OUR VISION Children love to scribble on the wall, on the floor, on the door and everywhere. Scribbling is a creative, artistic and imaginative act which could reveal the thought process of the child. A child’s journey of writing begins with scribbling and if the child finds purpose and expression, these random scribblings can reach the hall of penmanship. Journey of writing is making this effort through creative ways to help the child find expression. By providing them with quality early learning material we are attempting to make the child’s Journey of writing i nteresting and successful. ​ Check back soon Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Contact Us Name Email Phone Address Subject Message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Number Chart | Early Childhood Education

    Explore numbers with number charts numbers beyond 0-9 PROCEDURE: Writing numbers is easier than writing words. After children learn to write numbers 0 to 9 they can start working on the other combinations out of these numbers. Children can be presented with two charts with numbers 0 to 9 written on it. Place one chart horizontally (numbers in red) and the other vertically (numbers in blue) . With the help of this children can write numbers 10 upwards. NUMBER CHART 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HOW TO DO THE ACTIVITY: In this early learning material, Children can copy the number from the side chart first then from the top chart to fill the block, it will make number 11, then copy the next number from side chart in the row then from top chart above in the column to fill the block, it will make number 12, repeat the process to write numbers 13 onwards. Children can also use number tray to make numbers in the boxes. 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 1 5 6 16 2 5 26 3 5 36 4 5 46 7 17 8 18 27 28 37 47 38 48 9 19 29 39 49 5 0 6 0 7 0 5 1 61 71 5 2 62 72 5 3 63 73 5 4 64 74 8 0 9 0 81 91 82 92 83 93 84 94 5 5 65 75 56 66 76 85 95 86 96 57 67 77 58 59 68 69 78 79 87 97 88 89 98 99 NUMBER TRAY PROCEDURE: Number tray consists of numbers from 0 to 9, which are used in addition and subtraction. Numbers beads are also used for calculating two digit numbers. From the number tray choose two number cards needed to be added or subtracted. The child can place required number of counters under the number card. Then add all the counters and write the total on the blank card.

  • Number Rods | Early Childhood Education

    Explore the wonder of numbers through creative projects NUMBER RODS MATERIAL REQUIRED 45 WOODEN PIECES OF SAME SIZE AND GLUE. ​ CHOOSE SAME SIZE 45 WOODEN PIECES. ON ONE WOODEN PIECE MARK AS NUMBER ​ GLUE TWO WOODEN PIECES TOGETHER, TO MAKE A SMALL ROD AND DRAW NUMBER 2 ON THE END ON THE ROD. GLUE THREE WOODEN PIECES TOGETHER AND MARK NUMBER 3 ON THE END ON THE ROD. ​ REPEAT THE PROCEDURE TO MAKE ROD WITH 4 PIECES THEN 5 AND KEEP GOING TILL YOU GET 9TH ROD WITH NINE WOODEN PIECES. ​ ARRANGE ALL THE RODS FROM SMALLEST TO BIGGEST. EACH UNIT MAYBE COLOURED RED AND BLUE ALTERNATELY. ​ PROCEDURE: Use one wooden piece for rod denoting number one. Glue two wooden pieces together to make the number two rod. This way the rod marked as number two will be double the size of number one rod. Glue three wooden pieces and mark number 3 and so on. Finally glue nine wooden pieces together and mark as number nine. This way all the 45 wooden pieces will be used HOW TO USE NUMBER RODS: Arrange the rods in order of longest to shortest. Place the longest number rod on top and then place the next longest rod and so on from numbers 9 to 1. They can then take a piece of paper and copy numbers from 1 to 9. Number Rods are the first stage in teaching math to children from numbers 0-9. With the help of number rods, the children learn the numbers and their sequence and the quantity associated with the number. ​ The authentic Montessori material has a 10 cm x 2.5 size number one rod. The DIY material uses wooden pieces of any size available in Dollar store but keep in mind to use all 45 wooden pieces of the same size so the units progress in equal steps. ​ Authentic number rod is coloured red and blue alternately, the portion representing one unit.

  • Contact | Early Childhood Education

    Contact Us Name Email Phone Address Subject Message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Flash Cards | Early Childhood Education

    Explore writing through flash cards for word building ​ PROCEDURE: Depending on the child's interest and need, choose a theme like Animals, Birds, Fruits, Vegetables, Colours, Shapes, Transport, months of the year etc. In this presentation we use the topic Animals. Choose around 10 pictures of animals with 3 to 4 lettered names like cow dog cat etc . Take print out. Make two sets. Laminate one set of the cards with the name of the animal. For the other set laminate the picture of the animal and the label of the name separately. Flash cards helps in visual stimulation and overall cognitive development. ​ HOW TO USE FLASH CARDS: Flash cards are very versatile and this material can be used in four stages for different age groups. ​ MATCHING PICTURES: At the first stage, for children aged 30 to 36 months can use the pictures as matching cards. ​ ​ ​ MATCHING LABELS: At the second stage children over 3 years who can recognise and read letters can match the cards and recognise the name of the animal and label it. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ FORMING WORDS: Children over 3.5 years who have not started writing yet, but can recognise the letters and words can pick letters from the letter tray and make words. A letter tray tray is a tray with moveable alphabets. It is available in Dollarstore. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ WRITING WORDS : Children who are ready to write can use the label as a reference and write the words. Cards can be made for different topics like animals, birds, fruits, vegetables etc. Children can learn with the help of these cards. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ IN THE END, THE ACTIVITY WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS. Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow FLASH CARDS cow Cow Cat Dog Deer Goat Bear Fox Lion Cow Cat Dog Deer Goat Bear Fox Lion

  • Sand Letters | Early Childhood Education

    Explore the wonder of writing by creating uniquely shaped sand letters SAND LETTER MATERIAL REQUIRED: BLANK CARDS – 2 6 cards for all alphabets (5 cards for only vowels) PENCIL AND GLUE SAND OR EPSOM SALT ​ PROCEDURE: BLANK CARD - Choose a blank card or thick strong paper as a background. Keep the colour of the sand and colour of the paper in contrast so it stands out. I choose black colour fine sand, so my paper is white. TRACE THE LETTER ON THE CARD AND GLUE THE LETTER. GLUE THE LETTER AND COVER WITH SAND- after applying glue on the letter, cover the glue with sand generously and let it dry for 30 mins. Remove the excess sand on the paper. ​ GLUE AND SAND AGAIN- You can apply a second coat of glue on top of the sand and cover the glue with a second coating of sand. This way you can finish the edges of the letter and the sand particles stick hard to each other and does not come off easily. ​ Another way of making DIY sand paper letters on a budget is with Emery board nail files. Emery board nail files may also be cut in the shape of a letter and glued on the card paper. Salt and sugar also make good material for preparing the sand letter but it needs to be protected from moisture. Introduce the child with lower case letters first, the vowels, the letters in their name and then consonants. ​ HOW TO USE SAND LETTERS : Toddlers can trace the letters with index finger and understand the movement to write a particular letter. Toddlers use their muscle memory to learn to write the letter and use the skill in writing alphabets. Sand paper letters teaches to follow the shapes of the letters correctly using tactile and visual memory. After they master the direction of the movement, they can be introduced to writing the letters. ​ ​ Authentic sand letter is lower case in pink and upper case in blue with the size of 6.25 / 4.75 inch. SAND TRAY PR OCEDURE The sand tray is used to trace letters, numbers and shapes. Take a wooden box with a col oured backing and cover with a layer of sand or salt. Let the child use the sandpaper letter or sand paper number as a reference and trace the letter into the sand using index finger. Impression of the letter made on the sand will reveal the coloured backing of the tray. Shake the tray and keep practicing the letters. This activity will help the children learn the shape of the letter and create a muscle memory. The children can practice writing the letter or numbers on the sand tray before using paper and pencil. Introduce the child with lower case letters first, the vowels, the letters in their name and then consonants. children we face challenge with similar looking letters like b, d, p or curvy letter like s, or numbers like 8 may practice on sand tray. ​ Sand Tray MATERIAL REQUIRED - A WOODEN BOX OR TRAY AND SAND OR EPSOM SALT ​

  • Counters & Spindles | Early Childhood Education

    Explore the wonder of numbers through counting projects with counters and spindles COUNTERS PROCEDURE: Place ten cards in sequence from one to ten. The child recognises the number on the card and places the exact number of counters under the card. One counter goes under the card marked one and two counters go under the card marked as two and so on. The children are given exactly 55 counters to do the activity. That way if the counters are short or extras are leftover after completing the activity, the error is obvious and needs to be fixed, this way the material is self correcting. This activity develops early counting skills and the association between quantity and the number. ​ COUNTERS MATERIALS REQUIRED CARDS - 10 COUNTERS OR CHIPS - 55 PICTURE 1: ARRANGE IN SEQUENCE CARDS MARKED 1-10 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ PICTURE 2: PLACE EXACT NUMBER OF COUNTERS UNDER THE CARDS ​ ​ SPINDLE BOX MATERIALS REQUIRED. 45 equal size spindles or wood dowels or craft sticks A wooden box with 10 compartments. SPINDLE BOX ​ PROCEDURE: The wooden box is divided into ten compartment and numbered 0-9. The child recognises the number written on the compartment, counts the number of wooden spindles and places the exact number of spindles in the corresponding compartment. One spindle goes in compartment marked one and two spindles goes in compartment marked as two and so on. It mainly teaches the children the concept of zero when the compartment of zero is left empty. The children are given exactly 45 spindles to do the activity. That way if the spindles are short or extras are leftover after completing the activity, the error is obvious, this way the material is self correcting. Spindle box develops early counting skills and the association between quantity and the number.

  • Program | Early Childhood Education


  • Pin Punching & Stringing | Early Childhood Education

    Explore the wonder of writing through creative projects pin punching and stringing PIN PUNCHING HOW TO DO PIN PUNCHING: Take a piece of paper and trace any letter, number or shape on it. Use a cork sheet below the paper and let the child punch tiny holes very close to one another along the lines on the paper. The punches should be so close that the holes cut the paper and the shape comes out of the paper easily without the need to pull the shape out of the paper. Pin punching activity primarily helps to develop pincer grip and hand eye coordination but at a later stage it helps in staying focused and attention to details. Children who face challenges in w riting curvy numbers like 8, 6, 9 etc. or similar looking letters like E, F, V, W, M, N, Z could be given this activity for extra practice. PIN PUNCHING ​ MATERIAL REQUIRED PAPER AND PENCIL PIN OR BAMBOO SKEWER CORK SHEET OR OLD PIECE OF CARPET PROCEDURE PICTURE 1: TRACE THE LETTER OR NUMBER ON A PAPER ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ PICTURE 2: PUNCH HOLES ON THE LINES OF THE LETTER CLOSE TO EACH OTHER AND PUNCH OUT THE LETTER. ​ ​ STRINGS ​ MATERIAL REQUIRED CARDSTOCK STRING PAPER AND PENCIL SCISSORS ​ PROCEDURE PICTURE 1: TRACE THE LETTER OR NUMBER ON A PAPER AND PUNCH HOLES AN THE LINE OF THE LETTER AT EQUAL DISTANCE. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ PICTURE 2: PASS THE STRING THROUGH THE HOLES IN SEQUENCE. ​ ​ STRINGS HOW TO DO STRING ACTIVITY: Take a piece of cardstock and trace any letter, number or shape on it. cut out the letter and punch tiny holes on the letter at equal distance. Take the string and pass it through the hole in sequence one after the other. string activity primarily helps to develop hand eye coordination but at a later stage it helps in staying focused and attention to details. Children who face challenges in w riting curvy numbers like 8, 6, 9 etc. or similar looking letters like E, F, V, W, M, N, Z could be given this activity for extra practice.

  • About Us | Early Childhood Education

    JOURNEY OF WRITING: TEAM The team at Rumi's foundation is dedicated to improving child's wellness. It cares for the children's overall wellness and committed to supporting every child's journey to health and wellbeing. It began with the ‘journey of writings’ as the first step to early childhood education to provide a strong start to a child’s journey to school. Further it intends to start the 'Journey to flavours’ in the second phase, by early next year to introduce children to healthy eating habits. ​ We would also like to explore on topics like sleeping issues, best developmental toys for children, creating a child friendly home, designing a baby’s room, all in a budget. Your suggestions are welcome. ​ WELCOME TO THE RUMIS FOUNDATION. ​ People with an interest and idea are invited to join the team at Rumis foundation. It is an open collaboration with other like-minded people in various walks of life, uniting to make a difference in the lives of children. To join, please write to us at Rumi’s Foundation shares the journey of Rumi, his encounter with early learning and health and the success he enjoyed with the help of family and friends and the purpose of sharing is to help other children thrive. Rumi’s foundation began its journey with the 'Journey of writing’ for early learners. In the second stage, our plan is to start the ‘journey of food and flavours', this is a child’s journey to good health. Rumi's foundation aims at nurturing young ones for a healthier tomorrow. ​ Other projects like the ‘journey to health and healing’ a journey to practice self healing and t he ‘journey to finance and investment', a journey towards strong future and few others are lined up in future. ​ A PLACE TO SHINE. ​ With our progressive and holistic early childhood education philosophy, we understand that each child has unique needs and interests. We provide the environment and tools your child needs to thrive to the best of their abilities. When we expose children to different environments and various learning experiences, we allow them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once they leave JOURNEY OF WRITING, they’re fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives. ​ THE FULL STORY OF THE JOURNEY OF WRITING. ​ Soon after children learn to hold crayons in their hand, they do random scribbling everywhere. To channelize these scribblings, we bring ‘the journey of writing’. This is a presentation of online DIY Early learning material inspired by Montessori and other early learning philosophies. As a parent my journey with the DIY learning material began when I was interested in preparing my children for school by providing them a learning environment at home. This material would be useful to parents at home who wish to provide a strong and smooth entry to their children and are looking for simple activities a child can do independently with minimal supervision. Most of this DIY material is self learning and self correcting and will foster independence in children. After the initial presentation of the material to the children, the parents at home will be able to monitor the children with little supervision. Even an active, energetic and outdoorsy child like mine found the material very interesting and engaging and worked with it calmly for a long time. This DIY material is good in quality, beauty, longevity and budget (almost free) and very close to the authentic Montessori material. The Journey of writing is the child’s learning from Scribblings to calligraphy. ​

  • Sand Numbers | Early Childhood Education

    Explore the wonder of writing by creating numbers from sand SAND NUMBERS ​ MATERIAL REQUIRED: BLANK CARDS –10 cards for numbers 0-9 PENCIL AND GLUE SAND OR SAND PAPER OR EPSOM SALT OR EMERY BOARD NAIL FILER ​ TRACE THE NUMBER ON A BLANK PAPER CUT THE EMERY BOARD NAIL FILER IN SHAPE IN NUMBER AND GLUE ON THE PAPER ​ PROCEDURE: Choose a blank card or thick strong paper as a background. Keep in mind the colour of the material and pick the colour of the paper in contrast to the colour of the material so it stands out. I used brown coloured emery board nail filer for this activity. ​ HOW TO USE SAND PAPER NUMBERS : children can trace the numbers with index finger and understand the movement to write a particular number. Toddlers can use their muscle memory to learn to write the number and use the skill in writing numbers. Sand paper numbers teaches to follow the shapes of the numbers correctly using tactile and visual memory. After they master the direction of the movement, they can be introduced to writing the numbers. ​ Authentic sand number is green in colour with the size of 6.25 / 4.75 inch. SAND TRAY MATERIAL REQUIRED - A WOODEN BOX OR TRAY AND SA ND OR EPSOM SALT ​ PROCEDURE: The sand tray is used to trace letters, numbers and shapes. Take a wooden box with a col oured backing and cover with a layer of sand or salt. Let the child use the sandpaper letter or sand paper number as a reference and trace the l etter into the sand using index finger. Impression of the letter made on the sand will reveal the coloured backing of the tray. Shake the tray and keep practicing the letters. This activity will help the children learn the shape of the letter and create a muscle memory. The children can practice writing the letter or numbers on the sand tray before using paper and pencil. Introduce the child with lower case letters first, the vowels, the letters in their name and then consonants. children we face challenge with similar looking letters like b, d, p or curvy letter like s, or numbers like 8 may practice on sand tray. ​

  • Portfolio | Early Childhood Education

    My Portfolio Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.

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